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Beschreibung der Organisation und Ihrer Zielgruppe
Digital Menu for Restaurants (Please read brief carefully for clarification)
Essen & Trinken
Bestehende Website
Wie soll Ihr Design aussehen?
The attached brief is for a restaurant called Mavin.
The menu options in Mavin includes all the attached details.
Your task: Create a digital menu using the provided information for Mavin. As you create, ensure to make it nothing like the usual. Think outside the box and create a menu that is eye catchy, trendy, modern, fresh and techy. Visualize that when a dinner walks into a restaurant, an IPAD or smart gadget will be provided to them to peruse instead of a paper menu.
Please do not approach as a website, but rather an actual digital menu that can be viewed on an IPAD or smart phone while in a restaurant. In other words, when you go to a restaurant, they bring a menu to you to see what they have... We want the same feeling but in this case it will be sophisticated in a digital and more interactive format. Please reach out if you need more clarification.
Highly interactive digital menu for restaurant diners (not paper menu). We want a very creative, modern and clean design which can be customized for different restaurants. The goal is to replace text based menus with a highly interactive visual menu that is sophisticated, animated and easy to navigate. We would like a very imaginative idea that doesn’t already exist, which would appeal to a more technology savvy audience.
Inspirationen für Websites
Highly interactive and easy to navigate
Inhaltliche Details
Beschreibung der Seitentypen
The attached brief is for a retaurant called Mavin.
The menu options in Mavin includes all the attached details.
Your task: Create a digital menu using the provided information for Mavin. As you create, ensure to make it nothing like the usual. Think outside the box and create a menu that is eye catchy, trendy, modern, fresh and techy. Visualize that when a dinner walks into a restaurant, an IPAD or smart gadget will be provided to them to peruse instead of a paper menu.
This is the task.
Was vermieden werden soll
Please avoid creating a website version. Please see above for clarity.
Weitere Anmerkungen
The attached brief is for a retaurant called Mavin.
The menu options in Mavin includes all the attached details.
Your task: Create a digital menu using the provided information for Mavin. As you create, ensure to make it nothing like the usual. Think outside the box and create a menu that is eye catchy, trendy, modern, fresh and techy. Visualize that when a dinner walks into a restaurant, an IPAD or smart gadget will be provided to them to peruse instead of a paper menu.
This is the task.
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Wettbewerb Deliverables
1 x Webseiten Design(s)
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