
T lightning
Tower Computers
Initials JS / JJS
Arrow Alliance
Investment Logo
Speed House
Hestia Score
Influence Healthcare
My Brand Design

Über uns

Hello there 👋🏻
My name is Graster, a graphic designer with more than 5 years of experience in different areas of design (visual identities, web, social networks, packaging, printers). Currently, my goal is to develop brands for companies and people :)

Redesigning my brand is the most difficult job I have ever faced because I am very demanding with my own skills and abilities to graphically solve the problems that come my way!


Land: Indonesien. Mitglied seit: 27. September 2018


"Great thank you"
Unbekannter Kunde vor 5 Monate bewertet
"thank you very much"
ProfilbildGraster Patiga vor 5 Monate reagiert
"Creative. Responsive. Detail oriented. Did a fantastic job. "
Unbekannter Kunde vor 6 Monate bewertet
"thank you very much"
ProfilbildGraster Patiga vor 6 Monate reagiert
"Great Designs.. easy to work with.. responsive."
ProfilbildMazrama vor 6 Monate bewertet
"Thank you very much"
ProfilbildGraster Patiga vor 6 Monate reagiert
"Graster Patiga was a true joy to work with! I highly recommend Graster and look forward to working together. "
ProfilbildVinnie Fisher vor 8 Monate bewertet
"Thank you very much"
ProfilbildGraster Patiga vor 8 Monate reagiert
"First-class work, beautiful, high-quality design - very good right away. Gladly again at any time."
ProfilbildblockF vor mehr als 2 Jahre bewertet
"thank you very much, This is very constructive to continue to be passionate about working in the creative industry for me :)"
ProfilbildGraster Patiga vor mehr als 2 Jahre reagiert