
Cosecha Catalana IllustrationConcept
Illustration for Playbook's Dream of Another Universe
Illustration for Playbook's Dream of Another Universe
Illustration for Universal Peace Sanctuary
Fahrenheit by Dior
Range Rover
Range Rover
Jaguar E Type
Jaguar E Type
Chair by IKEA
Nike Air 3D rendering

Über uns

Kwen2 is your design and marketing agency that is here to revolutionize your online presence. We are not just amazing designers - we are also dedicated to empowering businesses with innovative technology and branded materials to ensure your business's success. With our expertise in design, arts & advanced marketing solutions, we're your partner in leveling the playing field and fueling growth. Let's work together to create a stunning website and marketing tools that sets your brand apart.

Mitglied seit: 4. November 2008




"Quick, listened to the brief, tailored to my use case with the thank you for watching. It was bubbly and fun mixed with intelligent and calming. Great reaction times as well. "
ProfilbildglenkelleE vor mehr als ein Jahr bewertet
"Really efficient approch with your designs, the designer understand each time what we need, thanks for that ! In our case, if i have one thing to say for the futur, is "more détails" is welcom ;-)"
Unbekannter Kunde vor mehr als 2 Jahre bewertet
"My utmost pleasure creating design with you Guillaume. Looking forward to working with you again in the future :)"
ProfilbildKwen2 LLC vor mehr als 2 Jahre reagiert
"Very professional designer. Great intuition and communication! Highly recommended! "
ProfilbildNaude.muller vor fast 9 Jahre bewertet
"Great design and very kind support! A pleasure to work with shatteredfx."
ProfilbildVertex Arts vor fast 9 Jahre bewertet