
"Enceladus" Book Cover
Texas Farmhouse Honey
New product label wanted for Wildwood Prairie Farm
Wildwood Prairie Farm Honey Label
Ice Cream Container Labels for Love Creamery
Electronica and Dubstep Collection
Create a DVD cover design for a music library
Design a beautiful DVD cover and on-disc artwork
Old-Fashioned label for Strength of the Hills
design for Open Fire Films
Create the next product label for Fuga Energy Drink

Über uns

Over a quarter century of professional experience in design, illustration, and animation. Herb Lubalin is my spirit animal! Specializing in retro/vintage looks, handmade type, and rustic themes.

ABSOLUTELY NO PRIVATE CONTESTS/NDA's. (Only available for weekend contests. Thanks!)

Mitglied seit: 18. Juni 2008




"Calavera's attention to detail and creative designs towards my company's ice cream labels was exemplary. Thanks for the great communication and response to my suggestions - can't wait to show off my new ice cream branding! "
ProfilbildNicole.wilde vor fast 9 Jahre bewertet
"This project involved a challenging consumer packaging concept. The goal was to create something virtually indistinguishable from a 19th century elixir label, with authentic typography and an alluring color story. In our experience, this level of design..."
ProfilbildStrengthofthehills vor fast 9 Jahre bewertet