
Super premium no grain dry cat food
Luxurious and minimalist candle sticker labels for Polaris Candles
Pineapple Ginger Drink
Ankerio Sea Salt
Probiotic Dog Chew
skin booster packaging for professional use
Natural Deodorant with a bit of a rebellious touch
Packaging design for dog supplement brand
Label design for mushroom supplement
An aesthetic label for Colostrum Product
Manuka Honey Label
Pet Shampoo Label Design


"Ilona is amazing at following directions and understanding our creative vision. I am excited to work together again soon "
Profilbildelevk vor 25 Tage bewertet
"beautiful work as always!"
Profilbildelevk vor etwa ein Monat bewertet
"Thank you, it is always a pleasure to work with you!"
ProfilbildilonaGi vor etwa ein Monat reagiert
"ilona got new things very quicky. It is very excellent design for me."
Unbekannter Kunde vor etwa 2 Monate bewertet
"Thank you! "
ProfilbildilonaGi vor etwa 2 Monate reagiert
"really appreciate this team, words cant explain!"
Unbekannter Kunde vor 2 Monate bewertet
"Thank you, it is always a pleasure to work with you!"
ProfilbildilonaGi vor 2 Monate reagiert
"Ilona was wonderful as always! "
Profilbildelevk vor 2 Monate bewertet
"Thank you!"
ProfilbildilonaGi vor 2 Monate reagiert