
Login page
Meta 11 - Logo for metaverse cricket league
Iconic logo for our crypto portfolio management and analysis platform
Australia's Internet Service Providers
logo for Fronheiser Pools
Clever Fox Backup product logo
Scandinavic Extravaganza!
Proud and elegant heraldic sign for family firm
Create an artistic music company logo
A web based application that allows people to sort and find virtual reality companies, designers, and developers

Über uns

working hard to get better.

Feel free to invite me in 1-to-1 projects, thanks!

Mitglied seit: 26. November 2014




"Been great to work with. Thanks!"
Profilbilddepetris.scoty vor etwa ein Jahr bewertet
"Thank you! Nice to work with you again. :)"
ProfilbildDJAROTメ vor etwa ein Jahr reagiert
"This was a great process and DJAROT was responsive, creative and a delight to work with. Thanks for a great logo!"
Unbekannter Kunde vor mehr als ein Jahr bewertet
"Very happy to work with you. Hope to work with you again in the future. Thanks!"
ProfilbildDJAROTメ vor mehr als ein Jahr reagiert
"Outstanding work and communication. Incredibly easy to work with, iterated many times and ultimately delivered a fantastic logo. "
Unbekannter Kunde vor mehr als 2 Jahre bewertet
"Thank you, happy to work with you. :)"
ProfilbildDJAROTメ vor mehr als 2 Jahre reagiert
"A fantastic designer. Very talented, super responsive, and overall a pleasure to work with. "
Unbekannter Kunde vor mehr als 3 Jahre bewertet
"Decent design and creativity sense overall, but lack of attention to details makes DJAROT very difficult to work with. I had to launch another contest to revise his/her work. "
Unbekannter Kunde vor fast 8 Jahre bewertet