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Attached some ideas and inspiration.
love to have an 'edge' to the design. SOmething asymetic. something that stands out a little. Totally open to ideas. Most importantly is that it has to be elegant. perhaps the 's' of our logo wraps around the side of the box? a splash of colour? text vertical v's horizonal? background or wallpaper effect ?
Farben zum Entdecken

Weitere Farbanforderungen
Beschreibung des Produkts
We are looking for the outer packaging for a Reed Diffuser bottle and reeds. The inside bottle is clear glass with silver accent and 5 white reeds. The scent is like a beach ; warm coconut and fresh ocean scent.
Beschreibung der Produktzielgruppe
High end. It's a luxury, high-end product which will be given to hotel guests in 5* hotels as a gift / reminder of their stay in their beach resort property or sold to clients who have had a beach style vacation. Unisex. High income level. very Elegant. Luxury. Chic. Location Dubai, UAE. Hot and Sunny. Age 30+
Kreative Vision
Am very open to ideas and suggestions. The scent of the diffuser is called Beach. In the attachment I've put the description of how it smells. Warmth of Coconut, crispness of the ocean.
It's high end and the packaging must look very luxurious. Quite like asymetic ideas to the design. As our retail bottles are silver aluminium and shiny, would be happy to look at a matt box and perhaps can add silver (or gold) foil to the packaging (as the inner bottle has the 'S' in silver) or just keep it matt with matt text. Again v open to ideas. Want something very elegant but eyecatching.
Happy to move away from our current bottle packaging where the 'S' is the main focus but again - open to thoughts!
Like the idea of the name of the product/fragrance BEACH being in Italics or standing out. But as this is for high-level cleints, it still needs to have the sophisticated and elegant look to it.
Was vermieden werden soll
Not a photo image. Not too busy or fussy. Clean and crisp please.
255mm h x 80 d x 95 w
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it's eye catching with the drips coming down. Something a little 'different'