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Designs zur Inspiration
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Weitere Farbanforderungen
bold, deep, earthy colors that pop and contrast
Kosmetik & Schönheit
The Healthy Breast Co.
Bestehende Website
not done yet
Deoderant Cream
Beschreibung des Produkts
We are The Healthy Breast Co. My company makes, sells and provides products as well as information that shows women the way to healthy breasts for life through proactive and preventative care.
All of our products as well as this product is geared towards supporting the health of your breasts through healing herbs and body literacy.
This product is a deoderant cream that contains herbs that stimulate and detox lymph nodes under your pits that are responsible for detoxing the breasts. It is a cream that requires touch which is super important to body literacy.
So it is a kickass deoderant as well as healthy breast supportive.
My target audience is women aged 35-60. I have attached a document with all of the information.
Beschreibung der Produktzielgruppe
Women aged 35-60
Kreative Vision
My target audience is female aged 35 - 60. This is a design for a white cosmetic box packaging with the following measurements: 2.06" x 2.06" x 1.56
This is a design for a deoderant cream that has 6 different scents. So once I choose a design, I will need to continue to develop 5 more colors for the other scents which I will do with the winning designer in a 1-to-1 Project after the contest.
The box is a standard white cosmetic box and the jar is amber glass.
My audience is female mature age 35-60.
Colors should be inviting, on the bold and deeper side, friendly, smart. No Pastels, nothing bright and flashy. Inviting, smart and fun, classy but not luxury - to a mature audience.
I'm looking for minimalistic design. The design should speak to women and pop from the beautiful deep rich colors and appropriate fonts and typography.
love your breasts
deoderant cream
odor eliminator
underarm lymphatic detox
lymphatic flow support
1 zo (30mL)
Was vermieden werden soll
Nothing busy. No soft pastel colors. Nothing super bright and aggressive. Nothing too fancy-ish, no cursivey fonts that are hard to read. no imagery.
2.000 x 2.000 x 1.600
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