Dieser Wettbewerb ist beendet. Herzlichen Glückwunsch dem Gewinner-Designer AnriDesign
Informationen über Ihr Unternehmen
Name der Organisation
Not Kosher Pickleball LLC
Beschreibung der Organisation und Ihrer Zielgruppe
We are a Pickleball goods & apparel retail company, selling to Pickleball players across the United States.
Inhaltliche Details
I want a design for our Pickleball paddle. The dimensions should be 16 x 8.5 inches.
The general design I am looking for is shown in “Image 1” the two-tone angular split.
Color: black on the bottom half like “Image 1”. On the top half the blue from “Image 2”.
There is a honey-comb texture to the paddle in “Image 1” I want to change that texture to a carbon fiber texture on the bottom black half of the paddle. I would like the top half of the paddle to be the solid blue color in “Image 2”.
In “Image 1” where it says “Voltage” change it to “Not Kosher” in the same font as “Not Kosher Logo”
In “Image 1” where it says “2.0 Graphite” - change that to the logo in the attached document “Not Kosher Logo”.
Remove "Gamma" and images on along the right side.
Weitere Anmerkungen
Feel free to be creative with the open space, but we're thinking less is more here.
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