I've been doing some research and hopefully, some designers are familiar with the brand archetypes. I'd like a logo that aligns with the royalty archetype https://www.kayeputnam.com/brand-ar…e-royalty/. My city is known for swans that were donated by Queen Elizabeth many years ago so the city's nickname is Swan City. When designing think about the style of Princess Kate, rich colors, classy, bold. I need a logo that will really stand out on my real estate signs and set me apart from my competitors. I would like the logo to be somewhat on the feminine side but not overly so. This is a font I felt portrayed this and I have purchased it - but I'm not married to it and am open to suggestions. https://creativemarket.com/alitdesi…oman-Lover. SOmething else to mention is when using my logo, most of the time I will also have to incorporate the Keller Williams logo so complementary colors would be preferred. https://images.kw.com/shared/mykw/d…e_1805.pdf
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Jeglicher Text in einem Logo sollte als Outline konvertiert werden.