Informationen über Ihr Unternehmen
Name, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
The MAD* Collective (please check my other project for the 1st logo)
Slogan, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
Make A Difference
Beschreibung der Organisation und Ihrer Zielgruppe
Alison Coughlan (the client) is a speaker, author, coach and mentor who helps individuals and organisations in the health and social sectors extend the reach and impact of their important work.
She’s worked with many small and large organisations and governments within Australia and internationally and her consultancy practice has primarily focussed on strategy, evaluation and consumer engagement. Alison’s practice has evolved to an online business offering online courses, coaching, mentoring and development. She is about to launch two new networks, the MAD Collective and MAD Consultants (MAD standing for Make A Difference). Through these networks, Alison will be seeking to empower, inform and support people in the health and social sectors to optimise and sustain the impact they make through their work.
Wirtschaft & Beratung
Wie soll Ihr Design aussehen?
Farben zum Entdecken

Weitere Farbanforderungen
Designs zur Inspiration
Weitere Anmerkungen
I’m mostly interested in wordmark, abstract and combination logos, but I’m open to all ideas.
The overall message for our business is putting YOU first and paying attention to WHAT MATTERS to you is essential to Make A Difference and create meaningful impact in your work and in your life.
We wanted this logo to tie up to our main brand.
I've uploaded a design brief on this project so you can learn more about what the company is and why we want it.
We are needing 2 logos, this is just 1 of thm. We are encouraging you to submit for the 1st logo because they are closely related and we'd like to have a great synergy between both.
Thank you and let me know if you need anything else.
Wettbewerb Deliverables
1 x Logo
Finale Dateien
Wenn Sie Schriften verwenden, die eine Lizenz erfordern, klären Sie zunächst mit dem Kunden, ob er damit einverstanden ist. Aus Lizenzgründen ist es besser dem Kunden die Informationen zur Schriftart mitzuteilen und wie man diese kaufen kann, ohne dabei die eigentlichen Dateien zur Verfügung zu stellen.
Jeglicher Text in einem Logo sollte als Outline konvertiert werden.