Informationen über Ihr Unternehmen
Name, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
Slogan, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
Beschreibung der Organisation und Ihrer Zielgruppe
Creative and Dynamic Logo Design for E-Commerce Software Provider, StoreWare.
StoreWare is a forward-thinking software development company specializing in creating high-end, intuitive, and user-friendly software and apps for the Shopify platform. We aim to help retailers improve their e-commerce performance and overall business profitability.
Our audience:
Our primary audience consists of Shopify store owners, ranging from small boutique businesses to larger, high-volume e-commerce retailers. They value simplicity, effectiveness, and innovation.
Wie soll Ihr Design aussehen?
Farben zum Entdecken

Weitere Farbanforderungen
Since Shopify brand color is green, perhaps it would be better to use similar colors but not restricted to it.
Designs zur Inspiration
These are just sample logo I liked, doesn't mean I want same thing but I liked the abstract. You can make it meaningful on your own way.
Weitere Anmerkungen
Logo requirements:
1. The logo should incorporate the company name, "StoreWare". A combination of icon and text would be preferred. We are open to stylizations of the entire name, just the initials, or a unique abstract symbol.
2. The design should be clean, professional, and modern. As a tech company, we want to reflect innovation and efficiency.
3. We're interested in designs that encapsulate our business - combining the concept of 'store' or 'retail' with elements suggestive of 'software' or 'digital technology'. But remember to keep it subtle and abstract.
4. While we don't have a strict color palette, we suggest exploring blues or greens, signifying trust, growth, and stability. However, we're open to your creativity and ideas.
5. The logo should be versatile enough to be used in various mediums (website, business cards, merchandise, mobile apps, social media, etc.). It should still be recognizable when scaled down.
6. Avoid overly complex designs or overly used concepts such as gears, shopping carts, or ones and zeros for software.
7. As our aim is global, the design should be culturally neutral and have broad appeal.
Wettbewerb Deliverables
1 x Logo
Finale Dateien
Wenn Sie Schriften verwenden, die eine Lizenz erfordern, klären Sie zunächst mit dem Kunden, ob er damit einverstanden ist. Aus Lizenzgründen ist es besser dem Kunden die Informationen zur Schriftart mitzuteilen und wie man diese kaufen kann, ohne dabei die eigentlichen Dateien zur Verfügung zu stellen.
Jeglicher Text in einem Logo sollte als Outline konvertiert werden.
These are just sample logo I liked, doesn't mean I want same thing but I liked the abstract. You can make it meaningful on your own way.