Titel und Autor
Hey Kids, Let's Talk Money!
Mae Cashman
Foto des Autors
Hey Kids, Lets Talk Money is a book which aims to teach children, ages 6-12 about the basic fundamentals of money. Earn/ save/ give/ spend.
children ages 6-12, with help of parents for younger kids
Erste Seite
- Titel
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- Untertitel
Erste Seite des E-Books – Details
Subtitle: Earn, Save, Give, Spend. Teaching Children the Basic Fundamentals of Money to set them up for a Successful Financial Future
Letzte Seite
Letzte Seite des E-Books – Details
Amazon Kindle
Wie soll Ihr Design aussehen?
Designs zur Inspiration
Farben zum Entdecken
Weitere Farbanforderungen
Kreative Vision
I want something that is more playful / catchy for younger viewers. Cartoon or illustration vs real photograph. things that come to mind: piggy banks, calculators, pencils/ numbers. But i dont want it too busy. many i have seen on the market have lots of images of all of the above or lots of data images or numbers , with images of kids or stick figures. Sometimes i think simple is better. fun colors and fonts but again simple and easy to read. included a couple more simple/ playful images of other books that i was drawn to. also very open to creative ways of showing the title. like how sometimes one of the letters incorporates an image (example: the S is a money sign )
5.5" x 8.5" dimension (jpeg, png and vector files)
Was vermieden werden soll
a stock image with just words over it. i dont want it to look like i created it myself on canva. no cursive or harder to read fonts.
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Wettbewerb Deliverables
1 x E-Book-Cover
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