Dieser Wettbewerb ist beendet. Herzlichen Glückwunsch dem Gewinner-Designer Diego Roia
Informationen über Ihr Unternehmen
Name der Organisation
Paul Jensen
Unterhaltung & Künste
Beschreibung der Organisation und Ihrer Zielgruppe
I am a singer-songwriter and I play in the "Americana" style (e.g. Avett Brothers, Jason Isbell, Chris Stapleton, etc.). I am lead vocals, guitars and harmonica and you can view my profile here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2OS…YV7tgybSWA.
Inhaltliche Details
I need artwork to accompany my next single, to be released in January. The song is called "Matter of Time", and it is about what it's like to grow up as a big, black man in American society and the constant concern/danger of being targeted or arrested for a crime you did not commit. (The character in the song is speaking to a police officer, questioning whether this is just a "matter of time".) I have attached the lyrics for background as well as an image I like to inspire the design. I do NOT want the design/image to be too provocative or political or jarring. It could portray a young black man in a thoughtful pose, as in the attached image. I like the idea of a pencil sketch because I do NOT want it to look too realistic or like an actual person. It should invite the listener to click on the song to know what the man is thinking about.
The design should include the name of the song ("Matter of Time") and my name ("Paul Jensen") in somewhat smaller font. You can see my other album covers on Spotify (all designed through 99Designs): https://open.spotify.com/artist/2OS…mZpDzEoPvg
Weitere Anmerkungen
This song has professional artists interested in recording it - this is a chance to be part of it!
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