Bild der Dienstleistung

Custom Logo & Business card design

Profilbild von ne_padamo
5 Tage

Logo & Visitenkarte-Dienstleistung

Custom logo and business card design, with 3 concepts and 3-4 revisions.
To achieve a satisfactory result the best would be (and I would really appreciate) to provide some basic information. I've included the short questionnaire of what I think is important for easy workflow, but feel free to contact me with your own ideas, informations...or even if you have non :)
1) Logotype: text only (wordmark logo), pictorial logo (abstract or literal pic. element + text), character logo
2) Logo style: Clean, classic, modern, minimalist, organic, hand-drawn...
3) Business niche/ Industry/ or target audience such as: childcare, cosmetic, beauty, nutrition etc..
4) Business Name (and Slogan if needed)
5) Prefered colors / color palette (if you have)
6) Prefered Font type: script, sans-serif, serif, hand-written (if you have)
7) Prefered looks: abstract - literal, organic - geometric, playful - serious, modern - traditional - vintage, feminine - masculine..
8) Any References - such as examples of drawing style, artworks, colors, fonts... that you prefer and would like to point out for inspiration
Business card:
9) Information that needs to be icorporated - such as address, website etc
10) one-sided or two-sided

Was Sie erhalten

Logo- Vector files: Adobe Illustrator vector files (.ai), eps, pdf
Raster versions: psd, png, tiff
BC- Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Indesign

Ilustrator file (AI)
InDesign file (INDD)
Portable Document Format (PDF)
Image file (PNG)
Photoshop file (PSD)
Large image file (TIFF)

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