Bild der Dienstleistung

Perfectly crafted & unique logo design from sketch

Profilbild von ladydart
3 Tage


You can choose from 3 initial concepts, they can be similar or totally diferent which depends on your needs and mutual agreement. Once you've choosen the direction I will start crafting the logo, you can have 3 revisions of the logo and that is included in the price, for any other revisions or requests additional fee is required. Once the logo is done you will get all the final files, source files and a pdf gide for colors, fonts and logo placement and use.

Was Sie erhalten

Logo is done in a vector based program such as Adobe Illustrator and it can be scaled to any proportion without loose of quality. All files that you receive will be in high resolution unless you need a specific size.

Ilustrator file (AI)
Vector file (EPS)
Image file (JPG)
Image file (PNG)

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