Bild der Dienstleistung

Brand Foundation: BASIC Brand Guidelines

Profilbild von Hugo Maja
5 Tage


1. Cover Design
2. Document Structure
3. Page Layout Design
4. Typography Standards
5. Brand Application Demonstration

A. Introduction

B. Logo Usage and Variations
- Primary Logo
- Logo Variations
- Minimum Size and Clear Space
- Incorrect Logo Usage

C. Color Palette
- Primary Colors
- Secondary Colors (if applicable)
- Color Usage

D. Typography
- Primary Typeface
- Secondary Typography
- Typography Hierarchy
- Typography Used

E. Basic Application Examples
- Business Card
- Letterhead
- Envelope
- Folder

Was Sie erhalten

Please note that this is a very basic outline for brand guidelines. It covers the essential elements to ensure consistency in brand representation. You can customize and expand upon this structure based on the specific needs of your brand and the level of detail required.

Portable Document Format (PDF)

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