Bild der Dienstleistung

Unique & Custom made logo design (3 explorations)

5 Tage


The logo design process:
1. Discovery and Design Brief - Get to know the client's business.
2. Research - Conduct research focused on the industry, its history, and competitors.
3. Sketching - Develop the logo design concepts around the brief and research.
4. Design Execution - Select 3 promising logo design concepts and execute them digitally.
5. Presentation - Present logo designs concepts to the client (logo on white background, black and white versions, mock-ups).
6. Revisions / Approval - Make changes if necessary based on the feedback. Together with the client arrive at the best solution.
7. Delivery - Deliver the final artwork.

Was Sie erhalten

With bigger budgets more concepts as well as more deliverable options are available.

Vector file (EPS)
Image file (JPG)
Portable Document Format (PDF)
Image file (PNG)

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