Exclusive CHARACTER or MASCOT design
ohne 5% Plattformgebühr
3 Tage
Figur & Maskottchen-Dienstleistung
Our collaboration consists of a few simple steps.
1. Description and discussion the task (BRIEF).
2. Creation a few SKETCHES according to the brief.
3. Modification the version selected and implementation it in VECTOR.
4. APPROVING the final character and UPLOADING all the necessary files.
Let me know more about your project and I will give you the best results!
* Price may vary depending on the complexity of the project.
Was Sie erhalten
Vector and raster files of your CHARACTER or MASCOT for web use and printing
Ilustrator file (AI)
Vector file (EPS)
Portable Document Format (PDF)
Image file (PNG)
Image file (JPG)
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