Bild der Dienstleistung

Infographic design, for use on web or in print.

Profilbild von AnitaSt
10 Tage


We specialize in infographics and data visualization, and use creative thinking and design skills to transform your data into visually appealing and easy to comprehend graphics, for use on web or in print. We love to work on both fun & illustrative, and professional graphics for businesses. Please have a look at some in our portfolios:
We have experience working with high profile clients as Huff Post, General Electric, History Channel... and work as Certified designers for, who are the leader in the field, for last few years.

Was Sie erhalten

There is a huge variety of graphics/infographics we create, so we always try to agree on all details upfront. It includes price and timeframe, number of drafts/revisions, dimensions... We create infographics for both web and print, depending on your needs. Print files are usually provided as pdf files, and web files as jpg/png files. We are ok providing source files (most usually Adobe Illustrator .ai or .eps file) as well.

We look forward to hear more about your project.

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