Bild der Dienstleistung

Character/Mascot Design

Profilbild von Bajim2309
4 Tage

Figur & Maskottchen-Dienstleistung

Provide you with professional and attractive character/mascot design that represents your company/add a value to your brand. The process will start with the sketch, which is always will be discuss with clients and of course do all the corrections needed, before delivering the final products.

Please contact me if you need more info on this matters. Thanks :)

Was Sie erhalten

For the sketch: The price is for maximum 3 poses, so the client can have better understanding from several expression/poses. For the final product: 1 pose only. Final file will be high-res jpg/psd/ai.

Ilustrator file (AI)
Image file (JPG)
Photoshop file (PSD)

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