
Book cover
Book cover
Book cover
Network based knowledge exchange app
Modern label design
Incisive Ventures
Libro Contable
nature unit

Über uns

Creating top-notch industry standard visual identities.

Mitglied seit: 26. Januar 2016


"Found a very fitting cover design for the subject material. "
ProfilbildjamesonZ vor 10 Tage bewertet
"Thank you Jameson, it was great working with you!"
ProfilbildNeonoro vor 10 Tage reagiert
"Design is very suitable for our theme"
ProfilbildCarleton vor etwa ein Monat bewertet
"I love working with this designer. Understands the concept and brings great concepts to the design."
Profilbild805funkhouser vor 3 Monate bewertet
"Love my design! Great work! "
Unbekannter Kunde vor mehr als 2 Jahre bewertet
"Designer understood my concept perfectly and designed the work so it reflects the service we are providing. Iwould recommend him to anyone "
ProfilbildpaulhalpernG vor mehr als 2 Jahre bewertet