
Photography company  sales book
Fine Art and Collectibles Insurance Brochure
Laqubina brochure
Artist Juanjo Novella booklet
New brochure/catalogue for german supplements
Fine foods catalog design
Fine Art and Collectibles Insurance Brochure
Evalou brochure
Company overview brochure
Fattoretto brochure


"Nina delivered quickly and perfectly again. Thank You! "
Unbekannter Kunde vor 2 Tage bewertet
"Nina is an awesome designer who listens, hears, designs. Excellent. "
Unbekannter Kunde vor 5 Tage bewertet
"Nina "listens" to the design brief and also really "hears" what you are requesting to convey. Incredible work. We were delayed, slow, Nina was probably feeling like we were the worst client ever, but Nina held steady and clearly asked to meet an end ..."
Unbekannter Kunde vor 6 Tage bewertet
"Great collaboration with Nina. Changes were made correctly and fast. Thank you! "
ProfilbildInnomedio vor 8 Tage bewertet
"Nina does the best work"
ProfilbildKristin at 1880 vor etwa ein Monat bewertet
"❤️ Thank you!! "
Profilbildn i n a . vor etwa ein Monat reagiert