
Book cover entry
Coved design
Book cover for happy retirement
Book cover design
Album cover entry
Book cover for a Barndominium book.
Cover design
Clean and minimal cover Design
Poster for a company
Film poster entry
Book cover design
Event Poster

Über uns

For an over 15 years I have been involved in designing various materials including book covers, film posters, marketing collaterals, photography (pack shots, wedding, commercial), web banners, movies. I have been working both freelance and full-time. I have still a great need to develop my skills and constantly follow trends in designing, keeping them up to date. I like to expand my knowledge in relation to new design areas according to market needs.

Mitglied seit: 10. März 2013


"Robi One was easy to work with as he responded quickly to my requests and he was able to capture my design ideas completely. "
ProfilbildStevenMS vor 5 Tage bewertet
"It was a pleasure designing for you!"
ProfilbildRobi One vor 5 Tage reagiert
"We needed a design for a marketingpitch really quickly. The evening before, I contacted Robi One and asked if he could help us. Thank god he replied immediately. The morning after we received the first designs and feedback was worked out very fast. Than..."
ProfilbildInnomedio vor 14 Tage bewertet
"It was a pleasure working for you!"
ProfilbildRobi One vor 14 Tage reagiert
"Thank you very much for your great work! You did an amazing job! And I love all the special details you were making for my beautiful bookcover! Excellent designer!"
Profilbildbirgit.nachtnebeA vor 18 Tage bewertet
"It was a pleasure working for you!"
ProfilbildRobi One vor 18 Tage reagiert
"It was a pleasure working with Robi. He was patient and open to feedback, while following up promptly. He worked diligently to apply my feedback to the project. I'm happy with the outcome of the project."
ProfilbildKaresa Fleary vor etwa ein Monat bewertet
"It was a pleasure working with you!"
ProfilbildRobi One vor etwa ein Monat reagiert
"I'm thrilled with the design of the book cover! The imagery is captivating, and the choice of colors is perfect for the book's theme. The designer has created a cover that beautifully represents the essence of the book and will surely attract readers. ..."
Profilbildkdpublishingac3 vor etwa 2 Monate bewertet
"It was again a pleasure designing for you!"
ProfilbildRobi One vor etwa 2 Monate reagiert