Means-of-Production was engaged as a full-service marketing firm for Skillings and Sons. We have built two websites, created print, direct mail, and radio advertising campaigns as well as email marketing automation using Hubspot. We used Eventbrite e-newsletters, and direct mail campaigns to promote and market geothermal educational events to homeowners. We also conducted lunch and learn sessions to Realtors that resulted in increased sales. Means-of-Production has also produced videos and written over four-hundred blog articles for Skillings & Sons increasing their website traffic from 120 unique visitors per month in 2012 to 52,345 in April of 2018. Website Design Features - Side Navigation On Internal Pages - Homepage Background Video - Animated Logo for Footer and Video Branding - Emphasis on Community Involvement - E-Commerce Area For SEO and Supplemental Income - Built Using The Bedford Squarespace Template